COVID-19 and Getting Your Day in Court

COVID-19 and Getting Your Day in Court

In a typical year, my chronically ill and seriously or catastrophically injured patients don’t have an easy time. But in 2020 their grievances were magnified by struggles well outside of their control. The COVID-19 global pandemic upended regular processes for everyone. Something as simple as heading to the doctor for a checkup turned into potential quicksand for people with pre-existing conditions. Then, there was the impact on legal proceedings. Courtrooms across the country struggled with whether to open or close and many are still closed for normal civil litigation. Some medical experts balked at traveling to testify, asking if they could do their duties remotely or via Zoom. In the end, however, it all came back to the damage done to the most vulnerable; the sick and injured.

Here are just a few of the issues my patients dealt with this past year:

  • Whether to attend their own trials due to the risk of COVID-19 exposure and already existing in a high-risk category
  • Constant rescheduling and cancellations in state and federal courts
  • Mask-wearing exacerbating paranoia, anxiety, and severe respiratory issues
  • Limited access to medical care that they need

Hopefully, this gives you an idea of what these people are up against, day after day, in a world upended by a global pandemic. My job as a board-certified life care planner and physical medicine and rehabilitation physician is always to set realistic and achievable goals. Despite what is happening in the world around us, we have continued to do the work.

COVID-19 Doesn’t Have to Stop Your Recovery

I’ve already written extensively about the ways in which patients can advocate for themselves during these troubled times. People who have been injured as a result of someone’s negligence want closure and the resources to obtain needed medical care and services. Some say that they want their day in court to explain their side of the story. During a consultation or appointment, I often ask: “What are your expectations? Where do you want this to go?” To put it plainly, at the end of this process, there will be resolution and you will either be awarded money, or you won’t. It doesn’t change the fact that you are living your life, and have to make the effort to put it back together.

BiFulco Medical Group is here for you whether your court case is delayed or right on track. We developed the BMG planner to encourage you to actively think about your goals, successes, and the things that inspired you despite the challenges you face on your road to recovery. Focusing on your goals every day makes it more likely that you will reach those goals; or manifest them, if you will. I encourage you to discuss those goals with your team of medical providers.

I don’t want you to become discouraged by the things that are outside of your control, and instead, become strengthened by the things that are. BiFulco Medical Group is here for you and ready to help; we’re open for business as usual. Click below to book a consultation today.

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