Life Care Planning FAQs

Life Care Planning FAQs

Q: What is a Life Care Planner?

A: A Life Care Planner evaluates a patient in order to create a comprehensive life care plan, or as we refer to it, a care plan for life. Our role is to serve as a central point of authority in the estimation of future medical needs, therapies, medications, care, surgeries, etc. for the injured party. Life Care Planners can be nurses or similar case managers. We recommend Life Care Planners with physician degrees, however, due to the scope of their expertise and their ability to testify and back up their evaluations in court.


Q: What Does a Life Care Planner Do?

A: A Life Care Planner is in charge of creating a comprehensive report on behalf of the client. This report serves as a communication tool for someone who has been permanently injured and requires long-term care. The parameters of creating the report stay consistent. We also review all existing data and perform our own assessment so that customized estimates can be provided. These assessments are adjusted for the cost of living in that particular region along with the medical devices, care, and procedures we recommend now and into the future.


Q: What is a Life Care Plan?

A: We highly recommend reading our 2-part blog post series on this subject, which begins here.


Q: Who Can Become a Life Care Planner?

A: People in the following roles can seek out certification and work as a Life Care Planner:

  • Nurse
  • Physical Therapist
  • Case Manager
  • Doctor
  • Psychologist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Special Education Professional
  • Professional Counselor
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Speech Pathologist
  • Social Worker
  • Chiropractor

Q: Who Hires Life Care Planners?

A: Patients, families, rehabilitation professionals, plaintiff and defense lawyers, judges, insurance adjusters, and insurance companies all seek out Life Care Planners for their counsel and expertise.


Q: Which Injuries Can Life Care Planners Help With?

A: The BiFulco Medical Group assists with a wide variety of injuries including burns, auto accident injuries, birth injuries, spinal and neurological injuries, traumatic brain injuries and other serious and catastrophic conditions. Read more about our services and how we can help here.


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BiFulco Medical Group

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Suite 101

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Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5pm
Saturday, Sunday: Closed

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