The 4 Objectives for a Preventative Life Care Plan
A life care plan, or a care plan for life, is a document prepared by someone in the healthcare field. It lays out the details of someone’s injury or condition, what they need in terms of long-term care, and the costs associated with all of those requirements.
It can be thought of as a living document, and there are four essential objectives which must be included in every iteration as a person receives treatment, ages, and heals. Below, we will lay out the four objectives for a life care planner and why each is important.
What Should a Life Care Plan Include?
A life care plan, when done well, is BOTH reactive and preventative in nature. Why? Because a plan that is solely reactive will not include the measures that should be undertaken to prevent future complications. Here is an example of a solely reactive philosophy:
“She’s not in pain anymore, so we don’t need to do anything. If complications occur, we can do something then. It will be more expensive, harder to fix, and some of those complications could become permanent.”
Problematic, right? When you allow a complication to occur, the natural result is the more costly remedy—not to mention long-term pain and suffering.
Even if a patient dealing with catastrophic injury reaches a plateau with no clear gains in therapy, a life care planner will encourage them to continue. Otherwise, the complications can be catastrophic. Weakness to the point that they fall. Contractures requiring surgical release. We want to avoid these eventualities completely.
Thus, the four objectives below cover BOTH reactive and preventative concerns. We want to utilize the resources available to improve someone’s life right NOW, and for the duration of their existence. They should reach a ripe old age despite catastrophic conditions: a long, happy, high-quality ife.
Reduce Pain and Suffering
It’s probably the most obvious aspect of a life care plan, but it is important to state that the addressing of pain and suffering must cover lifelong concerns. Which procedures will this patient require as they grow or age? Which devices and medications do they need to feel good and get better?
Reach Your Highest Rehab Potential
We don’t know what a patient’s rehab potential will be until rehab is initiated. Rehabilitation is a vital tool in recovery from virtually any injury.
Increase Quality of Life
Number one and number three are the more subjective items on the list. They are harder to measure, but important nonetheless.
Prevent Complications
Number two and number four are more objective. They can be clearly measured.
A preventative life care plan is just like preventative medicine. We know that it works best when you do things in advance to avoid complications. It’s really that simple.
Do You Require a Life Care Plan?
If you or a family member is dealing with a serious injury or condition, a life care plan may be an excellent asset in determining what that person will need to feel better. Not just tomorrow or next week, but over the course of their lives. My team and I are standing by to help: click here to get in touch.